Art is Good
"Art helps children grow and develop through creative thinking and feeling." (Spike Dolomite Ward) One of my favorite things to do with my boys is sit down and color with them. It’s great to see how they are moving along with their creative skills and motor skills. If you look at the picture on the right above, you can see that Adin is starting to try and color in the lines. Now I know that he is a long way away from staying in the lines, but it’s still exciting. Just a few months ago, his colorings looked a little more like how Arin’s look now (left above).
Up until a few months ago, I never even thought about doing artwork with my children. Then I was talking to a good friend of mine, who pointed out some wonderful things about art time. She started telling me about how just by letting them color, that is helping to develop the motor skills they will need down the road to write with. Now why didn’t I think of that?! So I thought I’d do a little research and was actually surprised at what all artwork can do for you kids. Spike Dolomite Ward, an artist and children’s art instructor, suggests that it is not necessarily the end product when it comes to art with your children. It is more about the process that they go through while doing the art. It is also a good idea to pick art projects that don’t necessarily have a “right” or “wrong” ending. That way the child doesn’t get discouraged by the end result or feel pressured by the need to have it a certain way. I’ve also tried finger paints with Adin. He has a blast with them, but it was extremely messy. Seeing how it was super messy with him, I don’t think I’m quite ready to try it with the baby. Although we could always finger paint in the bathtub… :)
Ward, Spike Dolomite. "Importance of Art Activities." A Place of Our Own. 2007. 5 Nov 2007 <>.
Its always nice looking at a refigerator decorated in artwork made by children.