Nakedness is not ok
At first it was cute, 'dins running around butt-naked. Then it got old. Really quick. Now all I want is for him to put clothes on. Seriously, this boys is naked 90% of the time. It doesn't help that he has a huge pet peeve for wetness either. He cannot stand to have a drop of water on his clothing. If he gets one little bitty microscopic drop of water anywhere on his clothing, he has to take it off and it is deemed dirty. So then it has to go into the washer. Oh and no trying to trick the genius child. He KNOWS if i don't actually wash it. He will get quite upset if I just throw it to the side and then when he gets his new clothes wet 30 seconds later and I try and hand the previous one back to him. Because he KNOWS that it hasn't been through the washer. Ugh, as if I don't have enough laundry to do around the house. Apparently, 'dins doesn't think I do enough, he wants to add more work to load.
Wow, your blog is still going strong. I think your writing is just fabulous!
Keep it up. You're training me for a possible parenting future.
Cheers, Julie