
By Jaisey
I love to cook, and one of my fondest memories from my childhood is cooking with my family. I remember making cakes and cookies with my Grandma. My favorite part of baking was getting to lick the batter. Since there were four of us kids (me, my two aunts, and my uncle), we split it up. The two oldest ones, (my aunts Kristi and Dolly) got to split licking the bowl, and then us younger ones (myself and my uncle J.D.), each got a beater to lick, which left Grandma with the spoon. I, of course, could not wait to pass this tradition down to my boys. I know that there are a lot of parents out there that do not let their children do this for fear that the kids will get sick because of the raw eggs in it. In fact, one of my good friends and my sister-in-law are like that. But me, nah, that was one of my favorite things, so I wanted to pass it on to my boys. And maybe it is a little reckless of me to do so. My philosophy is that I have been licking cake batter off beaters, spoons and out of bowls for the past 24 years and I’ve never gotten sick, so it’s okay for my kids. Eh, whatever, I eat my steak medium rare too.

Anyways, I decided that even though I have boys, I wanted them in the kitchen with me. I try not to play the gender roll in my house. Yes, my oldest son has a few baby dolls he plays with, and my baby has long curly hair. So I decided to put them in the kitchen early on. My three year old has his own little wooden rolling pin, apron and chef hat. He loves to help do anything in the kitchen that involves helping mommy. His favorite thing is when I make either tortillas or sugar cookies because he gets to sit on the counter with his own ball of dough, rolling it out. It’s kind of funny because his tortillas always come out more round than mine do! Arin likes to help out in the kitchen too. If I am standing at the counter making something, Arin will run into the kitchen saying, “mix, mix” because he wants to stir too. I think that by letting the boys help me out in the kitchen at such a young age will help instill in them a life-long love of cooking. That, and so they will know their way around the kitchen, so one day, they can make mommy dinner! More posts to come on this subject matter later...

8 comments so far.

  1. Mr. Encore "so do you want more" November 7, 2007 at 9:30 PM

    I think it is commendable to get your children in the kitchen at a early age. This allows you to continuously engage them as well as supervise. We all know that you tend to not pay attention when you are putting your foot in some greens (lol). On the other hand maybe some of you traits will rub off on them and they can grow and learn how to cook for a significant other one day. I remember when I used to help my mother cooked and what I learned helped me prepare meals to this day. So continue to strive with you kids. Also what kind of cake was it.

    Mr. Impact "the online-alter ego"
  2. Julie P.Q. November 8, 2007 at 3:55 PM
    You're really giving us a global perspective of the things moms can (and should) do with their kids and for their kids. Both your posts this week have been quite interesting, and the cooking one brought back memories of the batter eating that my mom, my sister, and I shared. It's amazing how some things are pretty universal.

    Great writing here...nice balance of images, research and experience. Keep going!
  3. Erin M November 8, 2007 at 5:49 PM
    My mom also would let us lick the batter. It is just my brother and I, she always would give us each a beater and than we would share the bowl. Even today if she is baking she still gives us a beater. It is a fond memory I too have. She used to call us her testers and we always got the first hot cookies right out of the oven.

    I think it is good how you are choosing not to play the gender rolls. I think today it helps for a person to be well rounded. I used to play with Tonka trucks and matchbox cars and my brother had stuffed animals. I think it is a good life skill you are giving your sons by encouraging them to learn to cook. It will allow them to be very independent when they are older.
  4. bryon November 8, 2007 at 5:49 PM
    I think that it is a great idea to get your children in the kitchen. I wish mine forced me to do the same because I have no idea how to cook anything with the slightest amount of difficulty. As such I have had a difficult time in the kitchen. I want my wife to do the same with my kids.

  5. Sunny November 8, 2007 at 5:50 PM
    As a mom, one of the hardest job is to select foods for children. Kids need more balance of nutrition and are picky about foods. Moms have to think and study about kids' taste with nutrition.
    My mom always followed me with foods and vitamines that I did not like when I was a little. She had hard time to feed me.
    Mom's job for kids is not easy.
  6. Marjorie November 8, 2007 at 6:00 PM
    From Marjorie,

    Hi Jordan,

    I think it is a good idea to let the boys helping you in the kitchen . As a mother of two girls and one boy , I do the same. We always work together as a family. My children are very happy, because they are able to participate. This good habit will help them later on in life . Passing this tradition to your children is wonderful.
  7. Lil Rosey November 8, 2007 at 6:08 PM
    This is a great idea to get your kids involved in helping out at such a young age. I believe kids, now-a-days, are more dependent and believe that things should be just given to them and not know the true value of a dollar. I guess its tough not to know in today's society though, as we do live in more of a dependent society.
    Also, this is great that you are getting involved in your kids lives. This will help them be more well-rounded as adults and LATER on in life, as parents.
    ~lil Rosey
  8. twkamau November 15, 2007 at 9:11 AM
    So that totally took me back a couple years. I myself remember when my mom used to cook and always wanted to be in the kitchen doing anything she needed me to. Even to this day I still like the spoon(even though its makes my mom angry "its not sanitary") but she still lets me. That is such an amazing trait to pass on to your kids Jordan I hope to someday do the same to mine and hopefully they will be as eagure to learn. What all have they learned to do.

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