Washing Little Brother is Not as Fun as I Thought it Would Be

By Jaisey
So the other night, they were supposed to be in bed sleeping. Well since I was trying to catch up on homework, I let Adin slip into Arin’s room. I figured, what the hell, how much can it hurt? Right? Wrong. So about a half hour of them playing and jumping around in there, Adin comes out to go pee. Cool, right? Wrong. While he is in the bathroom, he spots the bottle of soap sitting on the tub. He apparently grabbed it and ran back to the bedroom, all the time yelling, “nightloveyoubegoodmom!” I didn’t see the soap, so I was like, great, he is going back to bed like a good boy, they will eventually fall asleep, at least my homework is getting done. Wrong again. Not even five minutes later, I hear Bear-Bear screaming bloody murder. I can tell that this is a cry of pain, so I take off running. Open the bedroom door and there is my Bear, COVERED in soap. It is in his eyes, his hair, his mouth, everywhere. You know how a baby is all slimy when it first comes out of the womb before they clean it up? Yeah, that’s what Bear looked like. Again. I grab him and run to the bathroom, we both jump in the tub, clothes, shoes and all. At this time, I still don’t know exactly what kind of soap is allover my child. Of course, Bear is screaming, he’s in pain and the water is freezing. I guess he expected me to wait for the water to warm up for him. Wrong. I finally get all the soap off of him, wrap him in warm clothes and give him a cookie. Time to deal with Adin. When ‘dins put the soap in his hair, he managed to keep it just there. Well because he had put so much there, by time I got done with Bear, it had started to run into his eyes too. Child #2 screaming bloody murder. So then of course, I have to hold him under water, which luckily for him, is warm now, and flush out his eyes. After that, we sit and have a little talk about what we do NOT do with soap. And if it doesn’t involve Mommy or Daddy, then we aren't supposed to even touch it. I decided not to spank ‘dins for that little episode. I’m pretty damn sure that the pain of soap in his eyes will be a good enough reminder. Poor little Bear’s face is completely red on the left side now. I finally figured out that it was baby wash that they were playing with. Thank God, because if baby wash hurts that much, I can only imagine what big people soap would have felt like.

Moral of the story: Baby soap is only tear-free as long as it is not poured directly into the eyes. And know you know, and knowlege is power.

1 comment so far.

  1. Robie February 9, 2008 at 4:31 PM
    At least your life is not boring - they are so awesome. Give them kisses and hugs from Grams.

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