Who's the Parent Again?
Back story- Adin is laying in our bed watching TV, Dad goes up to bed and kicks him out and makes him get in his own bed. I reassure Adin at tuck-tuck that Daddy is going to sleep and is going to turn off the television. 30 seconds later, I hear Adin running down the stairs…
Adin: mom, Mom, MOM, MOM!
Me: Yes Adin.
A: Mom, you gotta go up the stairs. Daddy a bad boy, he turn the tv back on. You gotta go spank him.
M: What?
A: MOM, Daddy not going night like a good boy, he watching tv. Go spank him, tell him to go to bed. Please Mommy
M (trying not to laugh hysterically): Ok Adin, I’ll go up there in a minute. Go-
A: And then you spank him?
M: Yes Adin. Now get back in bed.
A: Ok Mommy. Thanks. Nightloveyoubegood.
Adin: mom, Mom, MOM, MOM!
Me: Yes Adin.
A: Mom, you gotta go up the stairs. Daddy a bad boy, he turn the tv back on. You gotta go spank him.
M: What?
A: MOM, Daddy not going night like a good boy, he watching tv. Go spank him, tell him to go to bed. Please Mommy
M (trying not to laugh hysterically): Ok Adin, I’ll go up there in a minute. Go-
A: And then you spank him?
M: Yes Adin. Now get back in bed.
A: Ok Mommy. Thanks. Nightloveyoubegood.