First thoughts

By Jaisey
Hey there everyone out in la-la land. To begin with, let me tell everyone a little about myself. My name is Jordan and I am a 23 year old NOVA student. I am an Army brat who was born in Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri to two very dedicated soldiers. I was raised in central Illinois and am huge Illinois sports fan with the exception of the Chicago White Sox’s. I am a Cubbies fan through and through! I married a Marine in March of 2003 and we have two little ones, Adin (who will be three in December), and Arin (who is 18 months). I am a full-time student/mom/wife. Due to the fact that I am home with my little ones all day, I thought I would make my blog about how important it that education starts at home. Because I am in an online parents club with children all born in December of 2004, I know that there are many different views on how early education should begin. Some parents diligently teach their children things, some do it moderately, and then there are parents that have no concern when it comes to early education. Some parents feel that the time in a child’s life before preschool is for the child to have fun and just be a kid and that the time for learning comes when the child enters preschool. I personally disagree with that. Most institutional daycares now have an education program for all ages of the children attending. Seeing how I am a stay-at-home mom, I feel that it is my job to teach my boys things before they enter preschool. I realize that there are things that I could be doing better and maybe there are some days that my boys watch a little too much TV, so that is probably the main reason I picked this topic. I feel that need new ideas to help educate the sponges that are the minds of my boys.

3 comments so far.

  1. Julie P.Q. October 24, 2007 at 2:41 PM
    Hi Jordan,
    This is an interesting topic that I don't think anybody in my courses has touched on as of yet. I am looking forward to learning much more about what it takes to be a parent who is focused on early childhood education in the home.

    There is a great blog out there for stay-at-home moms: Check it out. The writer is also a graphic designer (so don't think you have to have a blog designed like hers), and her posts are full of humor and insight. I'm excited to see you enter into this conversation...
  2. Jaisey October 25, 2007 at 10:34 PM
    Hi JP,
    It's exciting to be covering a new topic. I also think that it is really quite funny that the blog you suggested was actually the one I had chosen for the blog I wanted to emulate!
  3. amberdawn110 October 30, 2007 at 3:50 PM
    WOW I just learned a little more about you!

    I agree with you so much. Being at home with my kids I feel so much pressure to bring them up to the same level as kids that go to school/daycare from an early age. The daycares that children go to have changed a lot over the years. Its not just a place to drop your children off at so that someone can watch them. Daycares are providing a very good learning environment for children of all ages.

    Being at home with my kids I struggle with the way I manage my time here at home too. Am I doing enough, am I doing too much, do have the TV on too much, am I feeding them the right thing, are we reading enough, should we be listening to more music, should we be doing play groups? Its hard being at home with your kids and giving them a balanced life experience. Its all on your shoulders everyday.

    I really believe that most moms just do the best we can with what we have. We all make different decisions but as long as we try to do what is in the best interest of our children I think that we are doing our job. Sometimes we are wrong, sometimes we are right, its a gamble. The good thing is that they love us no matter what!

    I cant wait to read more of your blog and hear more of your philosophy and experience. I think that we live in similar situations, both being at home moms, but we have lived very different lives before becoming mothers and it will be really interesting to see if we are on the same page or if we really have differing opinions.

    Thanks for sharing your blog with me! You are a great writer!

Something to say?