Our Morning

By Jaisey
So didn’t start out that well. I woke up feeing like crap. I wanted to give them pickles and donut sticks for breakfast so bad this morning. But then I remember that I learned the importance of brain foods. Instead those pickles and donut sticks which are high in crap, I decided to go with something a little better for them like whole grain oatmeal. I knew that the whole grains would give them the carbohydrates are needed for sharp mental performance. After breakfast, I really wanted to just let them go watch a movie while I laid down on the couch and moped, but I didn’t. I thought that it was ‘school’ time. I remembered an idea that I had come across somewhere out there in lala land. I decided to start from the beginning of the alphabet with the letter A. I made a construction paper cut out of a capital A and taped it up on the wall. Immediately, my three year old son Adin yells at me, “A, Mommy, it a letter A!” After hearing that, Arin looks up and says, “A, A.” I knew that we were off to a good start then. Then we went around and found all the things that we could that began with A. Of course, Arin didn’t really understand, but that is one of the reasons that I include him in things like this, he has to learn sometime, and sooner is better than later. Adin on the other was a little confused, but he had a great time. What I did was tell them that something like apple begins with the letter A, then have them go find me an apple. When they brought it back to me, I would then, of course, tell them what a great job they did, and then ask them what letter apple started with. Adin would respond with, “A Mommy!” and Arin would chirp in with, “A? A!” After seeing how much fun they had, I am really glad that I didn’t just lay on the couch today and wallow in my yuckiness.

1 comment so far.

  1. TL Pitch November 1, 2007 at 6:45 PM
    I have to agree that feeding our children is important, however "feeding ourselves" is also just as important. What I mean by "feeding ourselves" is that as mother's we sometimes need a junk food morning. We wake up everyday planning the day, going over the schedules, making the meals.... sometimes we just need to take care of ourselves and hand out the pickles and donuts while we take a really great shower or paint our toenails. We can worry about additives and crappy food later. There is always tomorrow, ecspecially as a mother.

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